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    29 Maisons et appartments pour acheter de 2.800.000 € jusqu'à 3.900.000 €, à Beja plus anciennes


    Maisons de campagne à Vila de Frades

    Vila de Frades, Vidigueira, Beja
    1 000 m²
    QUINTA das RATOEIRAS Rural Tourism & Agriculture Village of Friars Descriptive Memory 1. INTRODUCTION Quinta das Ratoeiras is a rural property with about 44 ha, located in the parish of Vila de Frades, Municipality of Vidigueira and District of Beja. Its original name, Horta das Ratoeiras, is attributed to the fact that the many leafy trees there allow local populations to set up 'traps' for birds, according to the customs of the time. Since the last century, the name 'Mousetraps' has also been registered in all military charters in the area. According to the current owners, who acquired it in 1993, the property had been completely abandoned since the 1960s. In the first year after its acquisition, the main concerns were oriented to the reconstruction and union of the two main dwellings (+/- 400 m2 - cover photo and next door), which allowed first the installation of the family, and also the company's headquarters. In the following five years (1994/1998), the entire agricultural project that is currently associated with it was developed. Another 2 ha of citrus fruits were planted, licenses were acquired for the planting of 16 ha of vines, and in recent years, another 4 ha of olive groves and 5 ha of vines were planted. 2. ACTIVITIES CITRICULTURA - As above is said the Quinta das Ratoeiras presents itself as an agricultural property, perfectly organized in terms of the multiple activities that are currently developed in almost all of the farm. When planting the orange grove, the varieties 'New Hall' and 'Valencia Late' were chosen to better associate with the autoctonic variety of Vidigueira, called Laranja-Pera, and already present with old trees in about 2 ha on the property. Given their high juice content, these oranges were sold in the first years of production to restaurants in the Lisbon area for the production of juices. Quinta das Ratoeiras also has a non-significant number of mandarin sands and lemon trees, associated trees that complete the citrus activity. Vidigueira - 'A Pão e Laranjas' event In order to enhance the use of its production of oranges, Quinta das Ratoeiras currently produces homemade sweets and jams (namely Orange Marmelade), and actively participates in the event 'A Pão e Laranjas' when it is organized by the Municipality of Vidigueira. In this event Quinta das Ratoeiras is always present with these fruits, and with manufactured and associated products: Orange Juices, Orange Cakes, Orange Sweets and Orange Liqueur, in addition to Laranjas-Pera as vidigueira ex-libris. VITICULTURA - In the wine making and planting of the approximately 21 ha of vines currently existing, the consultancy of ATEVA (Technical Association of Winegrowers of Alentejo) was used in the wine making area, which carried out in Quinta das Ratoeiras the analysis of the land, the study of the orography of the property, and its sun exposure. As a result of these analyses, the planting of the following red varieties was recommended: Trincadeira, Alfrocheiro, Aragonês, Shirah and Alicante Bouschet. In the white grape varieties (3 ha), the option was for the queen caste of Vidigueira, Antão Vaz, and arinto, varieties that incidentally give to the wines of this region, all the enormous fame they have. Agricultural works - Pruning in vineyards 'Galega' olive trees about 1,200 years old OLIVICULTURA - In terms of olive growing, the property had 4 ha of traditional olive groves of the Galega variety, which were maintained. After advice from the Agricultural Cooperative of Vidigueira, it was advised to plant another 4 ha of new olive groves, having chosen the variety Cobrançosa. Some of the oldest olive trees on the property have been preserved and are cared for regularly, not only for their age (1,000 to 1,200 years), but because they are already an important tourist attraction. OTHER ACTIVITIES - Agricultural work is carried out throughout the year on the property, as the multiplicity of tasks spreads throughout the four seasons. To support the most difficult tasks, a Hurliman tractor was acquired at the beginning of the agricultural recovery of the property, recently replaced by a more powerful one of the 'New Holland' brand. The tractor is used in particular in the 1) Distribution and application of fertilisers; 2) Application of disinfectants in vineyards, orange groves and olive groves; 3) Cutting (despampanagem) of larger branches of vines; 4) Destroy the vides after pruning; 5) Land movement (rippage); 6) Regularization of paths along the property; 7) Transport of grapes and olives to the Cooperatives that receive and process them; 8) Transport of materials and products to and from agricultural activity IRRIGATION - Given that Quinta das Ratoeiras has a lot of water (6 wells, two holes and especially two natural springs), from the beginning this authentic natural wealth was inserted in the strategy of development of vineyards, olive groves and orange groves. Thus throughout the property is installed a drip irrigation system, which covers the vineyards, the olive grove of snake variety, and the orange groves (old and new). The system that integrates filters and fertilizer, is fully automatic, and allows not only a complete computerized programming, but also that the watering takes place at night, when the evaporation is lower and the energy cost lower. Some of the wells are connected to each other with a system of transvases, to compensate and balance the amount of water available for watering in the periods of greatest need. CELLAR A winery was recently built, to be able to respond to the dynamics that was created in the farm and throughout the surrounding region. Indeed, the Vinho de Talha is a tradition of the region, the owners were 'seduced' to embrace the production of this wine according to roman technique (see annex to this document). It began by the acquisition of seven hoists, which were waterproofed with epoxy paint, and which immediately were put at the service of this project. In good time this step took place, because Quinta das Ratoeiras has won 2 gold medals, 1 silver, 1 bronze, and numerous Honorable Mentions in the Talha Wine Contests in which it participates forever. These competitions take place annually on the occasion of VITIFRADES, the only national event dedicated to Talha Wine, which takes place in this region on the second weekend of December. In 2020 will take place the 23rd edition of this Contest. Talha Wine is a cultural heritage of this region. The process left here by the Romans is so original that the Municipality of Vidigueira, heads an Alentejo regional movement, so that talha wine is considered and classified by UNESCO as an Intangible Heritage of Humanity. Building Details The building with a total area of 250 m2 is divided into three sub-areas: 1) Garage for tractor and trailer, agricultural tools and warehouse of plant protection products; 2) Traditional winery with seven clay lots, and 3) Technological cellar with a stainless steel fermentation vat (5 ton.), a chiller, an electric mill, a press and five stainless steel deposits for wine storage. In the area of the Traditional Winery is available all the infrastructure for the preparation and service of meals (up to 40 pax seated), equipped kitchen, toilet for ladies and men and all its necessary hotel material. RURAL TOURISM Especially since 2010, Quinta das Ratoeiras was being approached to make its rural area and natural environmental environment available, for the realization of business activities, including work meetings, training actions, and team-building actions. Where the duration was longer than one day, some of these shares could not take place, as there was no offer of accommodation at the property. Thus, to fill a value in the offer of Quinta das Ratoeiras, about three years ago a small Rural Hotel came into operation. To this end, a dilapidated building installed in the middle of a vineyard, gave rise to a Rural EnoTurismo with six double rooms and breakfast area on the upper floor. Features: Ground-floor double rooms (king size double bed or 2 beds) with individual entrance from the outside Each two rooms with connection to each other (if desirable) Air Conditioning, free Wi-Fi, electric kettle, teas and soluble coffee, minibar 40' and 120-channel digital TV (multiple languages) Bathrooms with shower equipped with hydromassage column There is an extra room (for driver of a group, for example) It is currently the closest hotel unit to the Roman Ruins of S. Cucufate (see below), which makes it the ideal place to stay overnight. For all those who wish to make an oenological, gastronomic, cultural and historical 'immersion' in this area of alentejo, programs can be organized that meet the expectations of visitors COMPLEMENTARY OFFERS 1. Roman Ruins of S. Cucufate The Roman Ruins of S. Cucufate (1st Century I) are just 350 metres from the Rural Enotourism of Quinta das Ratoeiras. They are the largest Roman ruins in Portugal and are by themselves a sufficient attraction for all visitors to this area of alentejo. Quinta das Ratoeiras provides the closest accommodation to this National Monument, classified by IPPAR, and which you can access after a short 10-minute walk. Roman Ruins of S. Cucufate In the Ruins of S. Cucufate can be enjoyed frescoes included in the Route of the Fresco do Alentejo. 2. Alqueva and Pedrógão Dams Dams of Alqueva, and Pedrógão -> These newly built dams are arouse immense curiosity in many Portuguese and foreigners. Especially that of Alqueva, which is the largest artificial lake in Europe and has a perimeter superior to the entire Portuguese coast. They are both in an area with high tourist potential, and often in them are disputed sports competitions of fishing, rowing and canoeing, activities whose practice (even non-competitive) is increasingly strongly encouraged. Recently an excellent river beach was inaugurated in Amieira. The Pedrógão dam is a few kilometers from Quinta das Ratoeiras, since it is also located in the municipality of Vidigueira. Alqueva is about 20/25 minutes away by car. 3. Quinta do Carmo / Convent of Our Lady of the Relics We must not forget that Vidigueira was offered to Vasco da Gama as a prize and reward for his arrival in India by sea. King Manuel II not only offered him the village, but also granted him the title of Count of Vidigueira, still in the possession of his direct descendant, Dom Vasco Telles da Gama. Although Vasco da Gama was born in Sines, he is more associated with Vidigueira and Quinta do Carmo /Convent of Our Lady of the Relics, for having been the place chosen by you to be buried there. Hence the Vidigueira is also known as Vila dos Gamas, name given to some of the wines produced by Adega Cooperativa de Vidigueira, Cuba and Alvito. Quinta do Carmo, now in possession of a private individual (Dr. Mário Maia e Silva), is visitable and detailed explanations are provided about the connection of D. Vasco da Gama to Vidigueira 4. Hermitage (Viewpoint) of St. António dos Açores Next to the village of Vila de Frades, stands this hermitage / viewpoint from which you enjoy landscapes that more easily allow us to understand and understand the multiple Alentejo realities. Opposite is the Serra do Mendro (or Portel), very rich in water. At the foot of the mountain are the nearby villages of Vila de Frades and Vidigueira. On the one hand you can appreciate the faldas da Serra, which define the geographical (and administrative) separation between the Alto and baixo Alentejo. On the other side is appreciated the minifúndio that characterizes this area, contiguous and in contrast to the area of latifúndio beja. From the top you can also see the villages of Cuba, Alvito, Beja and Serpa (when there are good conditions of visibility). The hermitage of St. António dos Açores also displays frescoes, included as those of the Roman Ruins, on the Alentejo Fresco Route. 5. Walking and Mountain Biking Quinta das Ratoeiras promotes walking tours at the property, enjoying contact with the environment nature, and the different moments of agricultural development of vineyards, orange groves and olive groves. To this end, visitors will be allowed to participate, under our control and supervision, in the different tasks and agricultural work being developed (harvest, pruning, thinning of vines and olive trees, olive picking, fruit, etc.). Elevations contiguous to Quinta das Ratoeiras The property's orography also allows you to visit the surrounding hills, some of which have a non-negligible altitude, in what can be considered mountaineering practice. In this Alentejo area these outdoor activities are also strongly promoted by GAMA (Group of Friends of the Serra do Mendro - Alentejo), which together with CMVidigueira organizes mountaineering events, such as the Mendro Climb, competition included annually in the Mountain Circuit of the Mountain federation of Mountaineering and Climbing. Quinta das Ratoeiras also offers visitors the possibility to take bike rides (mountain biking), not only inside the property but also to the surrounding villages (Vila de Frades, Vidigueira, Cuba, etc.). 6. Guided tours In Quinta das Ratoeiras are produced every year Vinhos de Talha according to the techniques and processes used by the Romans for more than 2,000 years. These wines compete with VITIFRADES, a competition that takes place annually in Vila de Frades, and which is the only event dedicated to Talha Wines in Portugal. Quinta das Ratoeiras is naturally proud to have already won two 1st Prizes (gold medals in 2005 and 2010), a 2nd and 3rd Prize (silver and bronze medal in 2000), in addition to several honorable mentions. In conclusion The Municipality of Vidigueira has aroused the interest of numerous national and international investors, who have recently settled in this area, transforming it into one of the most dynamic areas of wine production in Portugal. Just to talk about a few that are within a five-kilometer radius we have: Luisa Amorim - (url hidden) Hans and Carrie Jorgensen - (url hidden) Paulo Laureano - (url hidden) José Carmona and Costa - (url hidden) Cornelius (Cees) J. de Bruin - (url hidden) mysterious-Dutch-who-led-the-cult-of-art-to-Vidigueira- and (url hidden) Mário Pinheiro and Nuno Bicó - (url hidden) António and Mariana Lança - (url hidden) Dieter and Thomas Morszeck - (url hidden) SOGRAPE - (url hidden) Casa RELVAS - (url hidden) If we join these important private producers the Adega Cooperativa de Vidigueira, which with its 300 associates exploit so many vineyards, we have an area and a 'terroir' of wine production whose fame continues to grow. The Alentejo is thus associated today with a concept and images of culture, nature, heritage, history and of course wines. The Alentejo Tourism Development Plan defined that the future of the «Destination Alentejo», should go through Tourism in rural areas, associated in particular with Cultural and Landscape Tourism, Nature Tourism and Wine and Gastronomic Tourism. The Quinta das Ratoeiras project has all these variables and valences, since the values that are present in agricultural and environmental property, namely wine products, are predominant, since they benefit from a high national and also increasingly international recognition. The oenological, cultural, landscape and environmental heritage of the region, are present and gathered in Quinta das Ratoeiras. We have managed to increase the retention capacity of visitors in the Alentejo destination, by helping to improve the levels of hospitality, through new strategies of attraction and reception. Quinta das Ratoeiras is already recognized as a partner in the restructuring of the tourist offer of alentejo. If on the one hand we represent this rural enotourism project, on the other hand we participate in all activities that reinforce the tourist component of alentejo. See: (url hidden) and (url hidden) Other data for the assessment of what is for sale in this transaction: All the land that constitutes the property (+/- 44 ha) All existing buildings: the hotel, the wine rye and of course the main monte (house with 400 m2 and 4 bedrooms, 2 suites and 2 double rooms that share a toilet). All agricultural equipment (tractor, multiple tools, clay wits, stainless steel vats, etc.) All equipment installed in the hotel Multiple trademarks registered in the PTO for wines to be produced and marketed. #ref:GE_1878
    3.300.000 €
    3.400.000 € - 3%
    Il y a Plus de 30 jours supercasa.pt
    Voir l'annonce
    Maisons de campagne 5 Chambres à São Teotónio
    Maisons de campagne à Alfundão e Peroguarda
    Hotel Vista aérea 2

    Maisons de campagne 10 Chambres à Vila de Frades

    Vila de Frades, Vidigueira, Beja
    10 chambres
    12 salles de bain
    990 m²
    La Quinta est une propriété rurale située dans la paroisse de Vila de Frades, dans la municipalité de Vidigueira, district de Beja. La propriété avait été abandonnée depuis les années 60 et a été acquise par les propriétaires actuels en 1993. Après l'acquisition, les principaux efforts ont été dirigés vers la reconstruction et l'union des deux logements principaux, qui sont devenus la résidence de la famille. Au cours des cinq années suivantes, de 1994 à 1998, des projets agricoles ont été réalisés, notamment la plantation de 2 hectares d'agrumes, l'obtention de licences pour la plantation de 16 hectares de vignes et la plantation ultérieure de 4 hectares d'oliveraies et de 5 hectares de vignes. Dans le domaine de la citriculture, il cultive des variétés d'orange telles que « New Hall » et « Valencia Late », ainsi que la variété indigène locale appelée Laranja-Pera. Les oranges de haute qualité sont vendues aux restaurants de Lisbonne et sont également utilisées dans la production de bonbons et de confitures, y compris la célèbre Marmelade d'orange. La propriété possède également des mandariniers et des citronniers. Dans le domaine de la viticulture, plusieurs cépages ont été plantés, dont Trincadeira, Alfrocheiro, Aragonês, Shirah et Alicante Bouschet pour les cépages rouges, et Antão Vaz et Arinto pour les cépages blancs. Ces cépages sont largement reconnus dans la région de Vidigueira pour la qualité des vins qu'ils produisent. En ce qui concerne l'oléiculture, la Quinta compte 4 hectares d'oliveraies traditionnelles de la variété galicienne, ainsi que 4 hectares supplémentaires de nouvelles oliveraies de la variété Cobrançosa. Certains des oliviers les plus anciens de la propriété sont préservés et constituent une attraction touristique en raison de leur âge et de leur importance historique. En plus des activités agricoles, la propriété effectue diverses tâches tout au long de l'année, aidées par un tracteur pour diverses opérations, telles que la distribution d'engrais, l'application de désinfectants, la coupe de branches de vigne, le mouvement de la terre, entre autres. Quinta das Ratoeiras dispose également d'un système d'irrigation goutte à goutte dans tout le bien, en utilisant l'eau abondante disponible dans les puits, les forages et les sources. Récemment, une cave a été construite pour répondre à la production de vins, y compris le Vinho de Talha, suivant la technique romaine. La cave dispose de sculptures en argile, d'une cuve de fermentation en acier inoxydable, d'équipements et de cuves de stockage. La Quinta a remporté des prix et des reconnaissances dans des concours de vin. La propriété en question couvre une vaste étendue de terrain, totalisant environ 44 hectares. En outre, il se compose de plusieurs bâtiments de grande importance, y compris un hôtel, une cave à vin et la colline principale, qui est une maison d'habitation de 400 m2. La colline principale dispose de quatre chambres, deux suites et deux chambres doubles qui partagent une salle de bains. Cette résidence offre un environnement spacieux et confortable à ses résidents, offrant une expérience de logement unique. En plus des bâtiments, la propriété comprend une variété d'équipements agricoles essentiels tels que des tracteurs, divers outils, des sculptures en argile, des cuves en acier inoxydable et d'autres articles nécessaires à la culture et à la vinification. En outre, l'hôtel dispose d'équipements et d'installations complets, offrant aux clients un séjour confortable et agréable. Un autre point fort est la multiplicité des marques déposées auprès de l'INPI (Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle) pour les vins produits et commercialisés sur la propriété. Ces marques représentent la reconnaissance de la qualité et de l'authenticité des vins produits dans ce lieu. Cette propriété complète et diversifiée offre un environnement idéal pour la culture de la vigne et l'exploitation hôtelière, présentant un potentiel important pour ceux qui souhaitent investir dans le secteur agricole et touristique. #ref:PB2023355
    3.300.000 €
    Il y a Plus de 30 jours supercasa.pt
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    Maisons de campagne 10 Chambres à Vila de Frades

    Vila de Frades, Vidigueira, Beja
    10 chambres
    9 salles de bain
    440 000 m²
    The property is sold as presented, including all agricultural equipment, tractors, machines, etc. It has an extension of 44ha (440,000 m2) Hotel Eno-Rural Tourism Vidigueira was offered to Vasco da Gama, as a prize and reward for his arrival in India by sea. King D. Manuel II not only offered him the town, but also granted him the title of Count of Vidigueira, still in possession of his direct descendant, Dom Vasco Telles da Gama. Although Vasco da Gama was born in Sines, he is more associated with Vidigueira and Quinta do Carmo / Convent of Nossa Senhora das Relíquias, as it was the place chosen by him to be buried. Hence, Vidigueira is also known as Vila dos Gamas, the name given to some of the wines produced by Adega Cooperative of Vidigueira, Cuba and Alvito . This estate that we present has a Hotel in full operation that has: Ground floor double rooms (king size bed or 2 single beds), with separate entrance from the outside, easy access to reduced mobility, 6 double rooms, each 2 rooms are connected to each other (if desired, in case of a family holiday, with children or the elderly). Air Conditioning, free Wi-Fi, electric kettle, tea and instant coffee, minibar. 40' digital TV and 120 channels (several languages) . 1 Breakfast area on the top floor. 6wc with shower equipped with hydromassage column. There is an extra room (for a group driver, for example). Pool . (At the time of the construction of the Hotel, a space was strategically left to the side for an eventual expansion to 12 double rooms, and the entire construction infrastructure respected this sizing. ) Wine House Traditional cellar with seven clay pots. Technological cellar with a stainless steel fermentation vat (5 ton.) a chiller an electric mill a press Equipped kitchen WC for ladies and men and all necessary hotel material (Duly registered cellar (with all its seven traditional waterpots and other stainless steel equipment) Several wines are produced, with the respective Trademarks, either in stainless steel vats, or in centuries-old clay pots, using the ancient techniques that the Romans left us, especially in the municipality of Vidigueira. Some of the Talha wines produced at the Quinta have won several 1st prizes in wine competitions. In the Traditional Winery area, all the infrastructure for preparing and serving meals is available (seated for up to 40 pax). Main House Dwelling house with 400 m2 Equipped kitchen Spacious living room with fireplace Garden Lake 4 rooms, 2 suites and 2 double rooms that share a bathroom). The whole house itself has plenty of natural light and spacious rooms. Cultures Orange tree orchard, 2Ha of 'New Hall' and 'Valencia Late' to be associated with the indigenous variety of Vidigueira, called Laranja-Pera. Viticulture 21Ha Various grape varieties: Trincadeira, Alfrocheiro, Aragonês, Shirah, Alicante Bouschet, Antão Vaz, and Arinto. Olive production 8Ha of traditional Olive grove with the Galega and Cobraçosa variety, with some dispersed ancient trees. 4 Ha free, with the possibility of continuing existing crops or future ones such as: prickly pear, pistachios, fig trees, carob trees, cistus etc. Water six wells, two holes Two natural springs WATERING A drip irrigation system has been installed throughout the property, covering the vineyards, the Cobrançosa olive grove, and the orange groves (old and new). The estate is sold as presented, including all agricultural equipment, tractors, machinery, irrigation system, furniture, hoists, winery equipment. #ref:BEJ1220KS
    3.300.000 €
    Il y a Plus de 30 jours supercasa.pt
    Voir l'annonce

    Maisons de campagne 3 Chambres à Ferreira do Alentejo e Canhestros

    Ferreira do Alentejo e Canhestros, Ferreira do Alentejo, Beja
    3 chambres
    3 salles de bain
    1 992 m²
    À Ferreira do Alentejo, au cœur de la plaine de l'Alentejo, se trouve cette propriété de 18 hectares, située à 1h30 en voiture de Lisbonne, 1h30 de Vilamoura et à 50 minutes des plages de la côte de l'Alentejo. Le manoir, centenaire, est inspirée de l'architecture mauresque. D'environ 500 m2, elle est le centre de la zone résidentielle, flanquée de trois autres maisons de soutien et d'une piscine, totalisant environ 2 300 m2 de surface construite. Il convient de souligner l'existence d'un PIP (Projet d'Intérêt Potentiel) avec un avis favorable de la Mairie, pour la construction d'une infrastructure touristique d'une superficie totale de 5 000m2. Le noyau résidentiel est entouré d'un jardin luxuriant, avec des plantes et des arbres venant du monde entier, bordant un lac de 2 hectares, où abondent différentes espèces d'animaux aquatiques et des bancs de carpes géantes. Au-delà de la zone urbaine, la propriété comprend un verger de noyers de 14 hectares et une ligne de production et de préparation de ces noix, ce qui permet de réaliser l'ensemble du processus, de la récolte à l'emballage, en interne. La marque et les machines sont incluses dans la transaction. Contactez-nous, et souvenez-vous: nous sommes Coldwell Banker, mondialement reconnus pour offrir une expérience immobilière extraordinaire à nos clients. #ref:CB02-0256
    2.950.000 €
    Il y a Plus de 30 jours casa.sapo.pt
    Voir l'annonce

    Maisons de campagne 10 Chambres à Vila de Frades

    Vila de Frades, Vidigueira, Beja
    10 chambres
    9 salles de bain
    440 000 m²
    The property is sold as presented, including all agricultural equipment, tractors, machines, etc. It has an extension of 44ha (440,000 m2) Hotel Eno-Rural Tourism Vidigueira was offered to Vasco da Gama, as a prize and reward for his arrival in India by sea. King D. Manuel II not only offered him the town, but also granted him the title of Count of Vidigueira, still in possession of his direct descendant, Dom Vasco Telles da Gama. Although Vasco da Gama was born in Sines, he is more associated with Vidigueira and Quinta do Carmo / Convent of Nossa Senhora das Relíquias, as it was the place chosen by him to be buried. Hence, Vidigueira is also known as Vila dos Gamas, the name given to some of the wines produced by Adega Cooperative of Vidigueira, Cuba and Alvito . This estate that we present has a Hotel in full operation that has: Ground floor double rooms (king size bed or 2 single beds), with separate entrance from the outside, easy access to reduced mobility, 6 double rooms, each 2 rooms are connected to each other (if desired, in case of a family holiday, with children or the elderly). Air Conditioning, free Wi-Fi, electric kettle, tea and instant coffee, minibar. 40' digital TV and 120 channels (several languages) . 1 Breakfast area on the top floor. 6wc with shower equipped with hydromassage column. There is an extra room (for a group driver, for example). Pool . (At the time of the construction of the Hotel, a space was strategically left to the side for an eventual expansion to 12 double rooms, and the entire construction infrastructure respected this sizing. ) Wine House Traditional cellar with seven clay pots. Technological cellar with a stainless steel fermentation vat (5 ton.) a chiller an electric mill a press Equipped kitchen WC for ladies and men and all necessary hotel material (Duly registered cellar (with all its seven traditional waterpots and other stainless steel equipment) Several wines are produced, with the respective Trademarks, either in stainless steel vats, or in centuries-old clay pots, using the ancient techniques that the Romans left us, especially in the municipality of Vidigueira. Some of the Talha wines produced at the Quinta have won several 1st prizes in wine competitions. In the Traditional Winery area, all the infrastructure for preparing and serving meals is available (seated for up to 40 pax). Main House Dwelling house with 400 m2 Equipped kitchen Spacious living room with fireplace Garden Lake 4 rooms, 2 suites and 2 double rooms that share a bathroom). The whole house itself has plenty of natural light and spacious rooms. Cultures Orange tree orchard, 2Ha of 'New Hall' and 'Valencia Late' to be associated with the indigenous variety of Vidigueira, called Laranja-Pera. Viticulture 21Ha Various grape varieties: Trincadeira, Alfrocheiro, Aragonês, Shirah, Alicante Bouschet, Antão Vaz, and Arinto. Olive production 8Ha of traditional Olive grove with the Galega and Cobraçosa variety, with some dispersed ancient trees. 4 Ha free, with the possibility of continuing existing crops or future ones such as: prickly pear, pistachios, fig trees, carob trees, cistus etc. Water six wells, two holes Two natural springs WATERING A drip irrigation system has been installed throughout the property, covering the vineyards, the Cobrançosa olive grove, and the orange groves (old and new). The estate is sold as presented, including all agricultural equipment, tractors, machinery, irrigation system, furniture, hoists, winery equipment. #ref:BEJ1220KS
    3.300.000 €
    Il y a Plus de 30 jours casa.sapo.pt
    Voir l'annonce
    Maisons de campagne à Alfundão e Peroguarda
    Hotel Vista aérea 2

    Maisons de campagne 10 Chambres à Vila de Frades

    Vila de Frades, Vidigueira, Beja
    10 chambres
    12 salles de bain
    990 m²
    La Quinta est une propriété rurale située dans la paroisse de Vila de Frades, dans la municipalité de Vidigueira, district de Beja. La propriété avait été abandonnée depuis les années 60 et a été acquise par les propriétaires actuels en 1993. Après l'acquisition, les principaux efforts ont été dirigés vers la reconstruction et l'union des deux logements principaux, qui sont devenus la résidence de la famille. Au cours des cinq années suivantes, de 1994 à 1998, des projets agricoles ont été réalisés, notamment la plantation de 2 hectares d'agrumes, l'obtention de licences pour la plantation de 16 hectares de vignes et la plantation ultérieure de 4 hectares d'oliveraies et de 5 hectares de vignes. Dans le domaine de la citriculture, il cultive des variétés d'orange telles que « New Hall » et « Valencia Late », ainsi que la variété indigène locale appelée Laranja-Pera. Les oranges de haute qualité sont vendues aux restaurants de Lisbonne et sont également utilisées dans la production de bonbons et de confitures, y compris la célèbre Marmelade d'orange. La propriété possède également des mandariniers et des citronniers. Dans le domaine de la viticulture, plusieurs cépages ont été plantés, dont Trincadeira, Alfrocheiro, Aragonês, Shirah et Alicante Bouschet pour les cépages rouges, et Antão Vaz et Arinto pour les cépages blancs. Ces cépages sont largement reconnus dans la région de Vidigueira pour la qualité des vins qu'ils produisent. En ce qui concerne l'oléiculture, la Quinta compte 4 hectares d'oliveraies traditionnelles de la variété galicienne, ainsi que 4 hectares supplémentaires de nouvelles oliveraies de la variété Cobrançosa. Certains des oliviers les plus anciens de la propriété sont préservés et constituent une attraction touristique en raison de leur âge et de leur importance historique. En plus des activités agricoles, la propriété effectue diverses tâches tout au long de l'année, aidées par un tracteur pour diverses opérations, telles que la distribution d'engrais, l'application de désinfectants, la coupe de branches de vigne, le mouvement de la terre, entre autres. Quinta das Ratoeiras dispose également d'un système d'irrigation goutte à goutte dans tout le bien, en utilisant l'eau abondante disponible dans les puits, les forages et les sources. Récemment, une cave a été construite pour répondre à la production de vins, y compris le Vinho de Talha, suivant la technique romaine. La cave dispose de sculptures en argile, d'une cuve de fermentation en acier inoxydable, d'équipements et de cuves de stockage. La Quinta a remporté des prix et des reconnaissances dans des concours de vin. La propriété en question couvre une vaste étendue de terrain, totalisant environ 44 hectares. En outre, il se compose de plusieurs bâtiments de grande importance, y compris un hôtel, une cave à vin et la colline principale, qui est une maison d'habitation de 400 m2. La colline principale dispose de quatre chambres, deux suites et deux chambres doubles qui partagent une salle de bains. Cette résidence offre un environnement spacieux et confortable à ses résidents, offrant une expérience de logement unique. En plus des bâtiments, la propriété comprend une variété d'équipements agricoles essentiels tels que des tracteurs, divers outils, des sculptures en argile, des cuves en acier inoxydable et d'autres articles nécessaires à la culture et à la vinification. En outre, l'hôtel dispose d'équipements et d'installations complets, offrant aux clients un séjour confortable et agréable. Un autre point fort est la multiplicité des marques déposées auprès de l'INPI (Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle) pour les vins produits et commercialisés sur la propriété. Ces marques représentent la reconnaissance de la qualité et de l'authenticité des vins produits dans ce lieu. Cette propriété complète et diversifiée offre un environnement idéal pour la culture de la vigne et l'exploitation hôtelière, présentant un potentiel important pour ceux qui souhaitent investir dans le secteur agricole et touristique. #ref:PB2023355
    3.300.000 €
    Il y a Plus de 30 jours casa.sapo.pt
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    Maisons de campagne 5 Chambres à São Teotónio
    Maisons de campagne 11 Chambres à São Teotónio

    Maisons de campagne 11 Chambres à São Teotónio

    São Teotónio, Odemira, Beja
    11 chambres
    1 550 m²
    Hotel Rural Exclusivo na Costa Alentejana: Um Refúgio de Luxo em Meio à Natureza Descubra um verdadeiro paraíso na Costa Alentejana com este hotel rural exclusivo, situado a apenas 10 km das deslumbrantes praias da Zambujeira do Mar e Carvalhal. Inaugurado em 2014 e ampliado em 2017, este refúgio único está inserido em uma propriedade de mais de 10 hectares de terrenos ligeiramente ondulados, perfeitos para cultivo agrícola e silvicultura, oferecendo uma combinação singular de conforto e natureza. Características da Propriedade: Casa Principal: - 4 quartos, - Sala de estar acolhedora, - Cozinha totalmente equipada. Acomodações 18 unidades, - incluindo Quartos Duplos e Familiares, Estúdios com kitchenette e Apartamentos de 1 e 2 quartos, todos com ar condicionado e terraço privativo., divididos por: - 3 quartos duplos - 4 quartos triplos - 2 quartos familiares - 3 estúdios T0 - 2 apartamentos T1 - 4 apartamentos T2 Áreas Comuns: - Salas polivalentes e espaços para eventos - 2 piscinas exteriores - Jardim - Infraestruturas para crianças - Receção e lavandaria, com apartamento de serviço Estacionamento: Espaço sombreado para 20 veículos e garagem privada para 4 automóveis. Eventos e Refeições: Restaurante moderno para 70 pessoas, terraço ao ar livre para mais 50 pessoas, equipado com cortinas de vidro removíveis Hotel criado em 2014 e ampliado em 2017 Terreno com 10 hectares Área Bruta Total: 1.550m2 / Área de Ocupação: 2.060m2 Viabilidade de construção de empreendimento turístico até 4.000m2 Este hotel rural na Costa Alentejana não é apenas uma propriedade; é um investimento de estilo de vida incomparável. Combinando luxo, natureza e uma localização privilegiada, é ideal tanto como uma nova residência quanto como um empreendimento lucrativo, oferecendo uma experiência de vida verdadeiramente harmoniosa e única. Uma verdadeira oportunidade para habitação e investimento. Sobre mim: O meu nome é Paulo Lopes e há 26 anos construo relações de confiança com os meus clientes. Estou aqui para orientá-lo em todas as etapas, desde a pesquisa até a negociação, com um foco especial no serviço pós-venda, assegurando um suporte completo ao seu projeto imobiliário. Categoria Energética: A+ #ref:16022274
    3.700.000 €
    Il y a 9 h 0 minutes bpiexpressoimobiliario.pt
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    Maison  à São Teotónio

    Maison à São Teotónio

    São Teotónio, Odemira, Beja
    0 chambres
    98 350 m²
    Hotel Rural Exclusivo na Costa Alentejana: Um Refúgio de Luxo em Meio à Natureza Descubra um verdadeiro paraíso na Costa Alentejana com este hotel rural exclusivo, situado a apenas 10 km das deslumbrantes praias da Zambujeira do Mar e Carvalhal. Inaugurado em 2014 e ampliado em 2017, este refúgio único está inserido em uma propriedade de mais de 10 hectares de terrenos ligeiramente ondulados, perfeitos para cultivo agrícola e silvicultura, oferecendo uma combinação singular de conforto e natureza. Características da Propriedade: Casa Principal: - 4 quartos, - Sala de estar acolhedora, - Cozinha totalmente equipada. Acomodações 18 unidades, - incluindo Quartos Duplos e Familiares, Estúdios com kitchenette e Apartamentos de 1 e 2 quartos, todos com ar condicionado e terraço privativo., divididos por: - 3 quartos duplos - 4 quartos triplos - 2 quartos familiares - 3 estúdios T0 - 2 apartamentos T1 - 4 apartamentos T2 Áreas Comuns: - Salas polivalentes e espaços para eventos - 2 piscinas exteriores - Jardim - Infraestruturas para crianças - Receção e lavandaria, com apartamento de serviço Estacionamento: Espaço sombreado para 20 veículos e garagem privada para 4 automóveis. Eventos e Refeições: Restaurante moderno para 70 pessoas, terraço ao ar livre para mais 50 pessoas, equipado com cortinas de vidro removíveis Hotel criado em 2014 e ampliado em 2017 Terreno com 10 hectares Área Bruta Total: 1.550m2 / Área de Ocupação: 2.060m2 Viabilidade de construção de empreendimento turístico até 4.000m2 Este hotel rural na Costa Alentejana não é apenas uma propriedade; é um investimento de estilo de vida incomparável. Combinando luxo, natureza e uma localização privilegiada, é ideal tanto como uma nova residência quanto como um empreendimento lucrativo, oferecendo uma experiência de vida verdadeiramente harmoniosa e única. Uma verdadeira oportunidade para habitação e investimento. Sobre mim: O meu nome é Paulo Lopes e há 26 anos construo relações de confiança com os meus clientes. Estou aqui para orientá-lo em todas as etapas, desde a pesquisa até a negociação, com um foco especial no serviço pós-venda, assegurando um suporte completo ao seu projeto imobiliário. Categoria Energética: A+ Energy Rating: A+ #ref:SAFTI:005748
    3.700.000 €
    Il y a 1 jours imovirtual.com
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    Maison 2 Chambres à Ferreira do Alentejo e Canhestros

    Maison 2 Chambres à Ferreira do Alentejo e Canhestros

    Ferreira do Alentejo e Canhestros, Ferreira do Alentejo, Beja
    2 chambres
    300 000 m²
    Herdade típica Alentejana, com uma pista de aviões privada, Aeródromo Certificado, torna esta quinta como uma referência ímpar no seu entrada própria, a pista de 550 metros, indicada para aeronaves desde ultraleves até aviões tipo Cessna 172 ou bimotor Cessna push-pull, Hangar com 450m2 (16mx28m) e espaço exterior para estacionar varias aeronaves. O portão deste hangar é bastante alto, podendo recolher helicópteros. No 1 piso, escritório, wc, sala e 2 quartos. No piso térreo inclui cozinha, sala, wc e oficina. No exterior tem 2 wc, armazém técnico e central de ar-comprimido geral.A propriedade inclui ainda uma moradia de traça típica alentejana de excelente construção, com singela e benta capela com vitrais. A casa é composta por 2 suites, 2 quartos, ginásio, escritório, sala de estar com lareira e acesso ao terraço, sala de jantar e cozinha com uma generosa área e casa de forno a lenha. Toda a casa está rodeada por um belo jardim.A casa decorada com azulejos e pinturas alusivos à região, materiais de alta qualidade, aquecimento central (caldeira a lenha e painéis solares) pisos radiantes e caixilharias com corte térmico e vidros duplos.Acasa de caseiros, com 1 quarto, sala, cozinha, wc e casa de máquinas, tem aquecimento central e pode ser parte integrante da casa principal, pois estão interligadas.Nesta magnifica propriedade existe também uma Piscina transbordante, com água aquecida e com tratamento de agua único, usando um sistema a base de iões de cobre e oxigénio ativo. A casa de apoio à piscina com cozinha, sala, wc e arrecadação para os equipamentos da piscina e jardim.Grande parte da propriedade rústica é composta por terreno agrícola classe A com telheiro para máquinas, cabana de madeira, tanque de rega e 2 furos de água e ainda usa água pressurizada pelo sistema integrado de regas do Alentejo (Alqueva).Preço de venda da propriedade com todo o recheio incluindo. Uma Aeronave Cessna, um carro TT jeep, Tractor agricola, alfaias, cilindro, atrelado de carga, tanque atrelado, maquinaria diversaNa maravilhosa zona de Ferreira do Alentejo, Beja, encontra-se esta propriedade de 30 hectares única e bons acessos viários, Autoestrada A2, que liga Lisboa ao Algarve.Próximo da capital de distrito, Beja, com variados serviços, comercio, escolas e hospital. O Aeroporto de Beja fica a poucos kms. #ref:CB08-02DRXF
    3.150.000 €
    Il y a Plus de 30 jours imovirtual.com
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    Maison  à Ferreira do Alentejo e Canhestros
    Maison 16 Chambres à Santa Clara-a-Velha

    Maison 16 Chambres à Santa Clara-a-Velha

    Santa Clara-a-Velha, Odemira, Beja
    16 chambres
    57 500 m²
    Quinta de Turismo de Charme na Barragem de Santa Clara-a-Velha, Odemira Num recanto privilegiado do sudoeste alentejano, nas margens da deslumbrante Barragem de Santa Clara, encontra-se esta propriedade singular, um verdadeiro oásis de tranquilidade e beleza natural. Esta quinta exclusiva oferece uma experiência de turismo rural incomparável, envolta por uma paisagem intocada que abriga uma rica diversidade de vida selvagem e aves exóticas. Tem 2 hectares de rega automática, totalmente biológico, jardim em socalcos, incluindo uma estufa de 70 metros quadrados, e possui árvores de fruta, hortas, árvores ornamentais, arbustos e gramados, etc. Com uma área total de 5,7500 hectares, a privacidade é garantida, proporcionando um refúgio perfeito para quem busca harmonia com a natureza. 16 Quartos de Encanto: Cada um com design exclusivo, casas de banho privativas e terraços privados com vistas serenas para o lago. Ambientes Acolhedores: Salas com lareira, alpendre ensolarado, jardins exuberantes e um relvado que se estende suavemente até a água, ideal para momentos relaxantes e contemplativos. Reconhecida no Hall da Fama do TripAdvisor e vencedora do Certificado de Excelência por mais de uma década, garantindo uma clientela fiel e apaixonada. Compromisso Ambiental: Operando de forma sustentável, a propriedade é 90% alimentada por energia solar, complementada por um sistema de backup confiável, premiada com o prestigioso 'Platinum Green-Leader'. Equipada com painéis solares de última geração e um gerador de backup Deutz de 21,5 kW, assegurando autonomia energética mesmo em condições adversas. Infraestrutura Completa: Cozinha profissional, forno de pizza e churrasqueira, sala de massagens, sauna a lenha, bar acolhedor, lavandaria, e muito mais. Espaços Versáteis: Escritório multifuncional, heliporto privativo, Yoga Shala serenamente sombreado e áreas de estar ao ar livre cuidadosamente projetadas. Comodidades Técnicas: Incluindo armazéns bem equipados, uma casa de baterias dedicada, e estacionamento sombreado para conforto adicional. Privacidade e Serenidade: Situada em um ambiente livre de poluição, com o vizinho mais próximo a mais de 1 km de distância. Descubra esta oportunidade única de adquirir um pedaço de paraíso no coração do Alentejo. Ideal tanto como um investimento lucrativo quanto como um refúgio pessoal de luxo, esta propriedade excecional aguarda para ser explorada e apreciada. Entre em contato hoje mesmo e reserve sua visita para descobrir todos os encantos que esta propriedade exclusiva tem a oferecer. #ref:046255
    2.950.000 €
    Il y a Plus de 30 jours imovirtual.com
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    Maison 4 Chambres à São Teotónio

    Maison 4 Chambres à São Teotónio

    São Teotónio, Odemira, Beja
    4 chambres
    100 000 m²
    Este empreendimento situa-se em São Teotónio, em plena costa alentejana e a apenas 10 Km das praias da Zambujeira do Mar e Carvalhal. Está inserido numa quinta com 10 hectares de terreno e está atualmente a ser explorado como Hotel rural. Dispõe de uma casa principal, com 4 quartos, sala de estar e cozinha e mais 18 unidades de alojamento turístico, entre Quartos Duplos a Familiares, Estúdios com kitchenette e Apartamentos com 1 e 2 Quartos, também com kitchenete. Todos têm ar condicionado e terraço privativo para o jardim / exterior. Dispõe de estacionamento sombreado para 20 viaturas e garagem privada para 4 automóveis. As áreas comuns são muito espaçosas, com uma sala de estar com pé duplo direito e linhas modernas, com uma moderna lareira de design sofisticado que convida ao descanso e lazer. Uma sala polivalente, atualmente a funcionar como sala de jogos e uma zona exterior coberta, utilizada como bar e zona de chill-out convidam ao convívio, sendo este empreendimento frequentemente utilizado para eventos de empresa ou inclusive casamentos. Esta propriedade inclui também um moderno restaurante, equipado com uma cozinha profissional, tendo capacidade interior para 70 pessoas e esplanada para 50 pessoas. Na realidade, as suas cortinas de vidro removíveis de alto a baixo, permitem uma flexibilidade maior da área, ampliando o seu interior para a esplanada, criando um espaço único. No exterior, um enorme relvado, duas piscinas de água salgada, uma horta biológica e várias áreas de lazer convidam ao descanso. Nada foi deixado ao acaso e, no topo de um sobreiro centenário, foi criada uma atrativa casa na árvore, com escorrega tubular, que faz a delícia das crianças e adultos. Todo o espaço exterior foi criado em harmonia com a região, através da utilização de plantas autóctones, sendo exemplo as majestosas oliveiras centenárias logo à chegada. Todo o empreendimento foi pensado de modo a ser sustentável e respeitar o meio ambiente. Foram instalados vários painéis solares, tanto para o aquecimento de águas, como para a produção de energia fotovoltaica para autoconsumo, permitindo o aumento da eficiência energética, para além da existente ligação à rede elétrica pública de média tensão. Dispõe ainda de um anexo preparado para receção e uma lavandaria independente completa, assim como vários espaços de arrumos e uma adega. Este projeto arquitetónico foi merecedor de várias distinções internacionais e referências na imprensa da especialidade. De facto, a ruína antiga existente no terreno foi cuidadosamente recuperada mantendo o seu encanto original de uma casa típica alentejana, numa simbiose perfeita com arquitetura moderna e decoração cuidada, de modo a oferecer o maior conforto aos seus hóspedes. Aliás, os detalhes de arquitetura estão presentes um pouco por todo o lado, com jardins interiores em alguns quartos e grandes entradas de luz na sala de estar. Como empreendimento turístico, tem vindo a ganhar notoriedade nacional e internacional. Chegou inclusive a ganhar o Prémio de Melhor Turismo Rural do Alentejo em 2015, logo após um ano da sua inauguração. Desde então tem vindo a cativar uma clientela sofisticada, mas descontraída, sendo que o mercado estrangeiro representa já mais de 50% do total de hóspedes. Muitas das famílias que visitam este espaço regressam ano após ano. É um espaço único, envolto pela natureza do parque natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina, com pré-autorização para ampliação até uma área de 4.000m2 de construção, para utilização turística. É um espaço perfeito para desconectar do stress diário e para restabelecer energias, seja numa das várias redes à sombra de um sobreiro ou numa das espreguiçadeiras colocadas no jardim, em redor das duas piscinas. Aqui, respira-se a tranquilidade do campo com a proximidade das mais belas praias da costa alentejana. Hotel criado em 2014 e ampliado em 2017 Terreno com 10 hectares Área Bruta Total: 1.550m2 / Área de Ocupação: 2.060m2 Viabilidade de construção de empreendimento turístico até 4.000m2 Categoria Energética: C This hotel is located in the SW coast of Portugal, famous for its wild beaches and natural beauty, more precisely in São Teotónio. Zambujeira do Mar and Carvalhal beach are only 10 kms away. It is set in a 10 hectare property and it is currently being run as a Rural Hotel. It has a main 4 bedroom house with living area and kitchen. There are 18 unities, some to them with one bedroom, some with two and also family ones. There are also a few independent studios with kitchenette. All unities have A/C and private terrace facing the gardens. The property has a shaded parking lot for 20 cars and private garage for 4 cars The common areas are wide and spacious. It does have a common living room with high ceilings with a modern and sophisticated fireplace which provides comfort and quietness. A large multifunctional living area, currently working as a playroom and also an external covered area used as bar and chill out area. Due to its characteristics the hotel is used for team building events, corporate activities and ceremonies, including weddings. The property also includes a modern restaurant, equipped with a professional kitchen with capacity for 70 people inside and 50 outside. The removable glassed curtains provide the capacity to extend the area outside, creating a unique space. Outside there is a large lawn with two swimming-pools, a biological kitchen garden. On he top of a centenary cork-tree there is an attractive tree house with a tubular slide for children. All the external areas were put together in harmony with the region, through the use of local plants such as the centenary and majestic olive trees at the entrance. The buildings were projected in a sustainable way respecting the surrounding environment. Solar panels were installed to heat water and also to produce energy for the property decreasing the dependence of electric energy. There is also space to install a laundry as well as plenty of storage room and a wine-cellar. The architectural project was awarded with several international prizes as well as it was mentioned in many architectural magazines. As a matter of fact the old ruins in the property were carefully recovered keeping its traditional 'Alentejo identity', in a fantastic fusion between modern and traditional in order to provide comfort for all guests. The architectural details can be seen everywhere. As a hotel it has gained notoriety in the past few years in Portugal and specially abroad. In 2015 the award of best 'Rural Hotel' was obtained. Since then, sophisticated but relaxed guests have been falling in love with the property and more than 50% of them come from other countries. Most families that come to stay come back the next year. It is a unique space involved by the nature of the South West Natural Park with permission for 4.000 sqm for touristic purposes. Building Year- 2014 Land area- 10 hectare Total built area- 1550 sqm Total area building permission- 4000 sqm Energy Rating: C #ref:FIN_411
    3.700.000 €
    Il y a Plus de 30 jours imovirtual.com
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    Restaurante | Turismo Rural Costa Alentejana | MSA

    Maisons de campagne 22 Chambres à São Teotónio

    São Teotónio, Odemira, Beja
    22 chambres
    20 salles de bain
    15 500 m²
    This hotel is located in the SW coast of Portugal, famous for its wild beaches and natural beauty, more precisely in São Teotónio. Zambujeira do Mar and Carvalhal beach are only 10 kms away. It is set in a 10 hectare property and it is currently being run as a Rural Hotel. It has a main 4 bedroom house with living area and kitchen. There are 18 unities, some to them with one bedroom, some with two and also family ones. There are also a few independent studios with kitchenette. All unities have A/C and private terrace facing the gardens. The property has a shaded parking lot for 20 cars and private garage for 4 cars The common areas are wide and spacious. It does have a common living room with high ceilings with a modern and sophisticated fireplace which provides comfort and quietness. A large multifunctional living area, currently working as a playroom and also an external covered area used as bar and chill out area. Due to its characteristics the hotel is used for team building events, corporate activities and ceremonies, including weddings. The property also includes a modern restaurant, equipped with a professional kitchen with capacity for 70 people inside and 50 outside. The removable glassed curtains provide the capacity to extend the area outside, creating a unique space. Outside there is a large lawn with two swimming-pools, a biological kitchen garden. On he top of a centenary cork-tree there is an attractive tree house with a tubular slide for children. All the external areas were put together in harmony with the region, through the use of local plants such as the centenary and majestic olive trees at the entrance. The buildings were projected in a sustainable way respecting the surrounding environment. Solar panels were installed to heat water and also to produce energy for the property decreasing the dependence of electric energy. There is also space to install a laundry as well as plenty of storage room and a wine-cellar. The architectural project was awarded with several international prizes as well as it was mentioned in many architectural magazines. As a matter of fact the old ruins in the property were carefully recovered keeping its traditional 'Alentejo identity', in a fantastic fusion between modern and traditional in order to provide comfort for all guests. The architectural details can be seen everywhere. As a hotel it has gained notoriety in the past few years in Portugal and specially abroad. In 2015 the award of best 'Rural Hotel' was obtained. Since then, sophisticated but relaxed guests have been falling in love with the property and more than 50% of them come from other countries. Most families that come to stay come back the next year. It is a unique space involved by the nature of the South West Natural Park with permission for 4.000 sqm for touristic purposes. Building Year- 2014 Land area- 10 hectare Total built area- 1550 sqm Total area building permission- 4000 sqm #ref:FIN_411
    3.700.000 €
    Il y a Plus de 30 jours imovirtual.com
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    Maisons de campagne à Ferreira do Alentejo e Canhestros

    Maisons de campagne à Ferreira do Alentejo e Canhestros

    Ferreira do Alentejo e Canhestros, Ferreira do Alentejo, Beja
    184 413 m²
    Em Ferreira do Alentejo, bem no coração da planície alentejana, encontramos esta propriedade com 18 hectares, situada a 1h30 de carro de Lisboa, e 1h30 de Vilamoura. Recheada de história, a centenária casa senhorial, onde a beleza sempre foi um valor muito apreciado, é inspirada na arquitetura Mourisca. Foi cenário do filme 'Os Fidalgos da Casa Mourisca' e palco para concertos da mundialmente reconhecida e aclamada fadista Amália Rodrigues. Está rodeada por um luxuriante jardim, com plantas e árvores um pouco de todo o mundo, fronteiriça ao lago de 2 hectares, onde abundam várias espécies de animais aquáticos. A herdade conta ainda com um pomar de nogueiras e com uma linha de produção e preparação destes frutos secos, que permite que todo o processo, desde a apanha à embalagem, seja feito dentro de portas. De realçar a existência de um PIP com parecer favorável da Câmara Municipal, para a construção de uma infraestrutura turística com 5.000m2. Contacte-nos, e lembre-se: somos Coldwell Banker, a marca mundialmente reconhecida por proporcionar uma experiência imobiliária extraordinária aos seus clientes. Categoria Energética: F In Ferreira do Alentejo, right in the heart of the Alentejo plain, we are greeted by this 18-hectare property, located 1h30 drive from Lisbon and 1h3hits0 from Vilamoura. Historically rich, the manor house is centennial, where beauty has always been a cherished value, inspired by Moorish architecture. It once was the set of a classic Portuguese movie, 'Os Fidalgos da Casa Mourisca', and stage for a concert of the world renowned fado singer Amália Rodrigues. It is surrounded by a lush garden, with plants and trees from almost all over the world, bordering the 2-hectare lake, where several species of waterfowl and fish abound. The agro-industry side of the property, consisting of an wlanut orchard, is fully equipped and gives a whole and complete cycle, from tree to shelf. A pre approved project by the local municipality (Câmara Municipal de Ferreira do Alentejo) allows the construction of touristic infrastructure up to 5.000 sqm. We will be delighted to forward more detailed information. Give us a call and we'll handle your needs. Remember: we are Coldwell Banker, renowned for our quality service. Energy Rating: F #ref:CB02-0256
    2.950.000 €
    Il y a Plus de 30 jours imovirtual.com
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    Appartement 1 Chambre à São Teotónio

    Appartement 1 Chambre à São Teotónio

    São Teotónio, Odemira, Beja
    1 chambre
    1 692 m²
    Hotel Rural em plena Costa Alentejana, junto a São Teotónio, Odemira, apenas a 10km das praias da Zambujeira do Mar e Carvalhal. Com uma área de terreno total de 10 hectares, a antiga ruína existente no terreno foi cuidadosamente recuperada, mantendo-se o encanto original de uma casa típica alentejana com 4 quartos, sendo 1 em suíte, sala de estar e cozinha. O complexo disponibiliza atualmente 18 unidades de alojamento turístico, entre quartos duplos e familiares e townhouses Estúdios, T1 e T2. Todos têm ar condicionado e terraço privativo com acesso ao jardim. As áreas comuns são espaçosas com uma sala de estar com duplo pé direito e lareira de design sofisticado que convida ao descanso, sala de leitura, sala de jogos e lareira. Dispõe igualmente de bar/restaurante com capacidade de 70 pessoas no interior e mais 50 na esplanada. O espaço exterior, contempla duas piscinas de água salgada, uma horta biológica e zona infantil, onde se destaca uma casa na árvore com um escorrega tubular. O empreendimento foi pensado de modo a ser sustentável e respeitando o ambiente, pelo que foram instalados diversos painéis solares, tanto para aquecimento de águas como para produção de energia fotovoltaica para autoconsumo permitindo assim uma eficiência energética A+. Tem neste momento 1.692 m2 de área construída e com a possibilidade de esta área chegar aos 4.000m2. Não perca esta oportunidade! A Castelhana é uma agência imobiliária portuguesa presente no mercado nacional há mais de 20 anos, especializada no mercado residencial prime e reconhecida pelo lançamento de alguns dos empreendimentos de maior notoriedade no panorama imobiliário nacional. Fundada em 1999, a Castelhana presta um serviço integral na mediação de negócios. Somos especialistas em investimento e na comercialização de imóveis. No Algarve junto à reconhecida Marina de Vilamoura. Em Lisboa, no Chiado, uma das zonas mais emblemáticas e tradicionais da capital e no Porto, estamos sediados na Foz Do Douro, um dos locais mais nobres da cidade. Ficamos à sua espera. Contamos com uma equipa disponível para lhe dar o melhor apoio no seu próximo investimento imobiliário. Contacte-nos! Categoria Energética: A+ Rural hotel in the heart of the Alentejo Coast, next to São Teotónio, Odemira, just 10km from the beaches of Zambujeira do Mar and Carvalhal. With a total land area of 10 hectares, the old ruin on the land was carefully recovered, maintaining the original charm of a typical Alentejo house with 4 bedrooms, 1 en suite, living room and kitchen. The complex currently offers 18 tourist accommodation units, including double and family rooms and Studio, 1 ou 2-bedroom townhouses. All have air conditioning and a private terrace with access to the garden. The common areas are spacious with a double-height living room and a sophisticated design fireplace that invites you to rest, a reading room, a games room and a fireplace. It also has a bar/restaurant with capacity for 70 people inside and another 50 on the terrace. The outdoor space includes two saltwater swimming pools, an organic vegetable garden and a children's area, where a tree house with a tubular slide stands out. The project was designed to be sustainable and respectful of the environment, so several solar panels were installed, both for water heating and for the production of photovoltaic energy for self-consumption, thus allowing an A+ energy efficiency. It currently has 1,692 sq m of built area and with the possibility of this area reaching 4,000m2. Don't miss this opportunity! Castelhana is a Portuguese real estate agency present in the domestic market for over 20 years, specialized in prime residential real estate and recognized for the launch of some of the most distinguished developments in Portugal. Founded in 1999, Castelhana provides a full service in business brokerage. We are specialists in investment and in the commercialization of real estate. In the Algarve next to the renowned Vilamoura Marina. In Lisbon, in Chiado, one of the most emblematic and traditional areas of the capital, and in Porto, we are based in Foz Do Douro, one of the noblest places in the city. We are waiting for you. We have a team available to give you the best support in your next real estate investment. Contact us! Energy Rating: A+ #ref:24837
    3.700.000 €
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